
Previously, I was enrolled as a Computer Engineering major at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Through that curriculum, I gained a lot of insight into the mechanics and engineering of computer hardware and structure. In Fall of 2014, I was part of a team that conducted original research in the field of network structure through cost-efficient means. More specifically, I was part of a team responsible for the design and program of a TCP packet sending code to transfer FFT data obtained through a microphone. It would then be multicasted to an audience connected to a central server we provided. This research work not only challenged my fundamental understanding of computer engineering, but also allowed me the opportunity to collaborate within a team setting to think of a novel research topic and deliver efficient, cost-saving solutions. Through my short tenure within the major, and as an extension through my research in the department, I found myself wanting more in the topic of computer algorithms, logic, and programming. During my Summer 2014 semester, I officially became enrolled as a Computer Science student. Thus far, I’ve learned, quite in-depth, about what my field has to offer, and has provided a large array of opportunities for me to apply my knowledge in the classroom, in hands-on computer science research, as well as real-world applications.


I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'" - Muhammad Ali

While completing my undergrad at Georgia Tech, I've had the opportunity to work on a lot of amazing projects through internships and research groups.


American Express | June 2016 – August 2016
I worked with a team of 2, while using Angular2 framework and D3.js, to create a visual mapping tool intended to show relationships between services used by American Express’ technology department. I also worked with the same team of 2 to create a wireframing tool to help Salesforce engineers.
Netscout Systems Inc. | May 2015 – August 2015
I worked with Ember.js while examining the code base for the front-end dashboard of their web application and mapped it out. I also introduced a new graphing method for the team to use for ease of code mapping. Additionally I pioneered a new way of writing acceptance tests for the company’s web-application through a business driven development language called Mocha, an Ember plug-in, incorporating the usage of page objects.


Collaborative Workforce | August 2013 - May 2014
While researching under this team, I helped design a system to stream live video feeds using multicast to an audience through a central server using C. I also programmed a client/server based TCP packet transmission code to transfer FFT data and successfully integrated my team’s code with another team and displayed the audio spectrogram using a raspberry pi at a remote location.
eStadium Web-Apps Team | August 2014 – May 2016
Under the eStadium team I worked with a team of 13 developers to enhance Georgia Tech football fans' game-day experience. Our mission was researching methods to optimize and allow mobile devices to access innovative infotainment and venue-related information via WiFi, Bluetooth, 3G and 4G data networks.


Android Development
I worked with a team of 4 to create a socially driven shopping phone application. We programmed and built our app through Android Studio using a Gradle Automation System.
Front-end Web Development (Co-Leader)
While under eStadium my teammate and I successfully proposed to re-design and enhance the current outdated eStadium website and had it approved. Hence we led a team of 4 to research effective, user-friendly frameworks to build an aesthetically appealing, social-networking driven website. Click here to check it out.


I'm all about getting outside, staying in shape, eating real food, seeing the world, paying attention, and never ceasing to learn

Georgia Institute of Technology | College of Computing
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science| Class of 2017
  • DJing:
  • Stemming off my last name, Nadkarni I enjoy live djing and creating mashups under my tag - DJ KARNIVAL
    Check out my SoundCloud for some cool mixes
  • Exercising:
  • The gym is my second home where I love to destress. My favorirte types of workout are HIIT Cardio and PHAT training (mixture of strength and hypertrophy training). If you have any fitness related questions feel free to contact me; my info is in the contact's tab
  • Media:
  • Anything from Photoshop to Final Cut Pro, I am always trying to come up with cool images and videos to share
    [[uploads coming soon]]
Technologies: //I'm familiar with// Ember.js, Node.js, jQuery, Angular.js, Git, Ionic, Logisim, SASS, Photoshop, Google-Web-Toolkit, Microsoft Office, Command Line, Web DevTools Console
Concepts: //I have learned// Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures, Algorithms, Web and Mobile Development
A-Town Showdown Marketing (Co-Chair): A-Town Showdown is a national intercollegiate Garba-Raas and Bollywood-Fusion dance competition that showcases the talents of many passionate individuals from across the nation.
I personally helped plan, direct and execute all marketing aspects of this event and helped bring in over $12K in corporate partnership funds. More in line with my title, I aided in social media marketing bringing over 350+ performers and an audience of 1k+ to our show with a nationwide outreach of 50k
Lowell General Hospital
As a concierge, I volunteered over 300 hour answering and directing phone calls to appropriate directories as well as welcoming incoming patients at the front door and assisting them to their respective destination
Future Goals
"Don't let your special character and values, the secret that you know and no one else does, the truth - don't let that get swallowed up by the great chewing complacency." - Aesop
My Manifesto: To be completely open and honest; I don't see myself comfortable behind a desk 9-5, 5 days out of the week, for the rest of my life and I refuse to let that lifestyle take over me. I see many friends and family fall into the trap of complacency even though they hate their job and that is one of my greatest fears. Life is too short with too many things to experience and thereby I see definitely see myself venturing out into different fields of industry, inventing things and owning properties. I'm not scared of falling flat because I know I have the willpower to pick myself up and work the grind towards the American Dream.


If you're passionate about web-dev as well and want to collaborate on some projects OR you would like to contact me for other reasons, feel free to reach out at:

  • Email:
  • Phone: 978 - 335 - 9442

Have A Great Day!